Donations and Adoptions

For Students:

Are you a student who wants to get donation or get adopted for DEEPER Service?

  • Click the button below and login if you already have DEEPER account.
  • If you are a new student, then please register first and then you can fill your donation form.

Register to get donation as a student

For Donors:

DEEPER is proud to provide a system to help underpriviledged students get access to DEEPER Service.

  • If you want to become our donor, below are the lists of students eligible for Donations and Adoptions.
  • Just select a student, click on DONATE NOW button and register yourself with us.
  • If you already have a DEEPER account, just login after clicking on DONATE NOW and proceed in under a minute.

Students awaiting donations

Name Orphan Parent Income Source Selected Packages Estimated Donation Amount Parent Yearly Income (Rs.)

Students awaiting to get adopted

Name Orphan Parent Income Source Selected Packages Estimated Adoption Request Amount Parent Yearly Income (Rs.)